Risk Management
Planned Cover provides market-leading Risk Management services to insured clients through our related business, Informed by Planned Cover. Our philosophy is to try and prevent claims from occurring by being pro-active with education, practice guidelines and early identification of insurance issues in client contracts before works commence.
Our Risk Management offering
Informed by Planned Cover offers many Planned Cover clients the following as part of their insurance program and at no additional cost:
Contract Reviews
Insurance reviews of consultancy agreements and related documents that will educate directors and staff about provisions in contracts which may trigger common exclusions in insurance policies, such as, indemnity clauses.
Risk Management Seminars
In-house presentations for larger clients and group networking seminars for smaller practices. These seminars will educate you and your staff on insurance, risk management, contracts and common causes of claims designed to complement your internal and for most professionals mandatory training programs.
Practice Guides
The informed by Planned Cover suite of Practice Guides are a valuable resource which provide general guidance and help identify risk management solutions for some common risks areas (including insurance and contract related topics) in the construction industry.
Additional services
such as online continuing professional development courses, webinars and seminars, along with subscriber services such as sample contracts, checklists and other useful documentation to help mitigate risk. Many of these services are offered at discounted rates for Planned Cover clients.
In a typical year, the Informed by Planned Cover Risk Managers:
Presented over 100 in-house seminars nationally
Educated close to 1000 people via Risk Management webinars
Reviewed over 1300 contracts
Travelled to every State in Australia to present face-to-face to Planned Cover clients
Building your
At Planned Cover, we offer risk cover tailored and planned for your profession. Through a full circle of support, we offer industry leading advice, insurance and representation for profession-specific protection in the built environment industry.
We know protection and we are professionals at it.
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