Complaints Policy

IBL Limited (trading as Planned Cover and informed by Planned Cover) is committed to the efficient resolution of complaints received in relation to the services that are offered by our organisation, and its employees.

We subscribe to and are bound by the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice and are a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). When we act on behalf of an insurer, we comply with the General Insurance Code of Practice. As part of our Code obligations, we are committed to the fair, transparent and timely resolution of complaints and disputes. If you are unhappy with any of our services or any of the services we provide on behalf of insurers, please contact our Complaints Manager.

We will acknowledge your complaint and attempt to resolve your complaint fairly and efficiently within the timeframes stipulated in the relevant code through our internal disputes resolution system.

Contact details for complaints are as follows:
Complaints Manager
IBL Limited
Phone: 03 8508 5400

Our representatives will keep you informed as to how we are handling your complaint and provide reasons for our decisions. If we require further information to determine or resolve your complaint, we will advise you of this and agree an appropriate time frame, keeping you apprised of the progress.

If our brokerage is unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, as a Steadfast Network Broker we have access to a free, additional, proactive service known as the Steadfast Customer Advocacy service. It can assist if you have a problem related to satisfaction, or fair treatment in relation to your dealings with us, or your insurer. The service can be accessed by sending an email to, or by calling the Steadfast Group Ltd head office on 02 9495 6500 and asking to speak with the Customer Advocacy service.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by our brokerage or by the Steadfast Customer Advocacy service, to your satisfaction within the timeframes stipulated by the relevant code, you have the right to refer the matter to AFCA for further consideration and/or review. AFCA is an ASIC approved external dispute resolution service accessible to clients free of charge.

Should your complaint be in relation to a policy we have arranged on behalf of an insurer under a binding agreement, and we or the Steadfast Customer Advocacy service, cannot resolve the complaint you have the right to refer the matter to the insurer’s complaints process.

AFCA Contact Details are as follows:
Post: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Phone: Toll Free 1800 931 678

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

National Insurance Brokers Association